Our commitment to ESG
In support of this we have recently become a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (‘PRI’), the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment.
The PRI encourages investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage risks.
As institutional investors, we have a duty to act in the best long-term interests of our beneficiaries. In this fiduciary role, we believe that ESG issues can affect the performance of investment portfolios (to varying degrees across companies, sectors, regions, asset classes and through time).
We also recognise that applying these Principles may better align investors with broader objectives of society. Therefore, where consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities, Fundamental Asset Management commits to the following:
- To incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes;
- To be an active owner and to incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices;
- To seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest;
- To promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry;
- To work with the PRI Secretariat and other signatories to enhance their effectiveness in implementing the Principles;
- To report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles.
We will continue to review our ESG principles to ensure these reflect the changing landscape.
You can find out more about our ESG commitment and the PRI here.
ESG initiatives from our portfolio companies
In recognition of the growing importance of ESG issues, we aim to produce a series of regular Blogs highlighting the initiatives being made by our AIM portfolio companies in addressing ESG and related matters.
To find out more about the benefits of investing in AIM, please speak to our Business Development Manager Jonathan Bramall via email jbramall@fundamentalasset.com or phone 01923 713 894
Our recent Webinar covered many of the key questions clients ask when considering investing in AIM shares for Inheritance Tax Planning purposes. You can watch a recorded version of the webinar from the link here.
This video presentation here also provides a brief introduction to the Fundamental AIM IHT portfolio service.
Fundamental Asset Management